Friday New Release! Finally, its Available!!! :-)

>> Friday, March 5, 2010

Wahoo! Its Friday now and Earth's Reflections has been in the store now for about 6 hours! LOL Let me tell you a little about this kit - it is soo huge that making one preview with everything on it without decreasing the beauty of it was impossible. That's how it ended up in three parts. And we thought some might like the option of buying just one or two parts. Yeah, right...I know...that's why we also made the bundle! LOL For those obsessed digi scrappers who want it all! And you know what? If you buy the bundle, its like getting all 3 parts for the price of 2! Hurry up - what are you waiting for? I've been teasing you long enough, haven't I? Hurry over to our collab store at Scrappity-Doo-Dah!

Aren't those layouts wonderful? Kris and I have such a great CT - I can't brag enough about them! Click on over to the K2 Kreative Krew see MORE of their awesome layouts AND have a chance at winning the kit above! Hurry, the challenge ends tonight!


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